Friday, June 25, 2010
Title of th lifestory:
Heyy people (:
Sorry fr not posting fr such a long time (: Well, something happen (: So yeahh. And heyy! I can't sms Firdaus anymore. Which is so stupid! I miss him so much! Esp, his msgs so much! And now, my phone is so silent ): No one msg me even girlfriend. Hahaha! Lol! SO wadever (: Hehehe! And heyy, i'm at Jurong sports hall now (: Am using baba's laptop. Hehehe. So yeahh. And heyy, mum is likk so noisy asking me to stop using it. WTH! Hahaha! LOL!
But still, i keep on using it. Baba let mahh! Hahaha! And sis is likk so noisy! Cause you knw why?? I didn't let her us :P Gagaga! Padan muka kau! And do you knw why i never let she use, its bcos yesterday she use likk dun knw how many mins. And i just get to check my facebook and off it. So its likk WTH! Yeahh i knw.
Hahaha! LOL! And heyy, usually, i am so busy msg-ing people. But then! Now, i am no longer busy anymore. Cause my phone so silent mahh..
And heyy, i'm NOT THE BIGGEST LIAR! You bloody bustard! Dun anyhow call me tht okayy.. And you knw what, only god knws if i lie or not okayy. Believe me or nt, IT'S UR OWN BLOODY BUSINESS!
GRRR!! Okok.. Gtg! BUBBYYEE (:
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Title of th lifestory:
Hello People (:
So yesterday sleep at 3 am. Hahaha! Bcos, i talked to him fr about 2 hours (:
Hehehe! Kata nk leopas kan rndu kanns. So yeahh.. Hahaha! He said tht he was tired then i ask him to sleep.
But then he says, i tknk tdo unless u tdo together wif me.
So terpakse luhh tdo dgn dia (:
Then, i dream bout him again. But i can't really remember what i dream about..
And according to my mum, if you can't remember what you dreamt about, mabe its going to come true (:
hahaha! Idk if the dream is about a good thing or a bad thing.
So yeahh..
So currently, msging him and listening to my favourite songs (: hehehe!
And heyy, tomorrow is likk PSK.
And i must kind of do my SENI! WHAT THE HEAVEN!
Scary siaa! Its likk WTH! SO FAST!!!]
Macam bustard gytu! Tapi best uhh (: Hahaha!
But, its better luuh (:
Then can go school faster (:
Hahaha! Always go back home late if i'm in school.
And everday can see him. Hahaha! LOL! Okay okayy.
Maybe i'll stop here okayy.. Bye!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Title of th lifestory:
Heyy (:
Well, sorry fr not posting or updating yesterday.. Sis was using it. So yeahh!. And heyy, lately, Firdaus keep appearing in my life altho he's nt my property -.- And its kind of weird. And all of the dreams, is kinda of sweet dreams. Well, let me tell you people what happen ayye in the dreams..
First, me and firdaus were likk a 'couple' and everyone is so jealous bout us. Till they wanna break our relationship -.-And when he suddenly tag me along to go to this one block. And he was likk starring at me one kind. Which is weird you knw. Then, in tht dream, he said 'how i wish that this relationship goes on forever.' Hahaha! Sweet kannn???Then, while i was looking away, he came nearer to me and give me a peck of kiss at my cheecks (: Hhahaa! Sweets kann? Hahaha! Next, HIS DREAM!
He dreamt tht i were passing by with my mataer at a romantic dinner then he was with his friends talking about business problem -.- (Mcm faham)
Then, my mataer ask fr a break and my mataer said he hate me. Then, i cried and went out of the that restaurant. Then, he get up frm his seat and punch my mataer.
Then he went out to find me. Then, after finding me furiously, he found me, he sat beside me. He tried to pujuk me. Then after he pujuk ready, i hug him.
Okok! i got to go for my silat training today. Am so gonna lose weight (:
Gagaga! Adious!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Title of th lifestory:
Hello (:
Font abit diff huh? I know! Hahaha! LOL! Idk why suddenly feel likk useing this type of font -.- Well, am so bored actually. And my stomach is kinda giving me a problem -.- And heyy, i can't stop msging Firdaus! OMG! And he is also kinda of sick. SO yeahh.. Cool kanns? I knw! No nid tell me! Hahaha! LOL! OKayy wadever. And heyy ue knw wad? I can't really sleep well yesterday night ): Cause of my perot! BUSTARD benar! Haisshhh ): Well, i'm too lazy to chat wif ppl at fb -.- LOL! Cause am just too lazy fr tht. Hahaha! LOL? And heyy, frm morning until now, i've been huging my BIG BIG ELMO! Hahaha! Guess tht i want a hug frm someone? Maybe? Its been so long since i hug someone -.- Hmmm.. And heyy ue knw wad!? I ask him this qns.
Me: Do ue sincerely love me?
Firdaus: Of course i love ue.
Me: Then why do ue love me?
Firdaus: Cause my heart says so. Hehehe (:
Me: Serious? Ouhkayy cool! I love tht answer (:
Hahaha LOL? Well, so happy tht someone really cares and love me.. Hahaha! And heyy, yesterday, ask mum to hold my fon fr awhile. While ma and dad go somewhere. Ue ppl no nid knw. SO yeahh.. Then mum go kpo read all my msgs at the inbox. And its likk the inbox is full of his msgs -.- And i was likk! WTH! Why go read all my msgs?? Then, the conversation goes likk this.
Mum: Sape Firdaus? Boyfriend kau?
Me: I didn't answer a thing cause before only i could talk..
Mum: Bagos eyyh boyfriend kau! Care and love ue nie semua. Jaga dia baik-baik. Cause this is the guy mama has been looking for..
Me: My reaction was likk WTH!
Then, this morning, i told him what happen..
Then he says Ala, ue nie! I malu luhh! Then i say nak malu apa benda nyye? Then he says ala, i'm just a shy guy okayy.. SO yeahh.. Wadever (: And heyy! Euu knw wad? I think i shall only stop here okayy.. My hand is so pain. SO yeahh. Bubbye! Love ue guys (:
Sayangg! (:
Don't be too wooried bout me okayy dear?? I just sprain my wrist thats all (: Hehehe! And no one knows bout it only euu and my lil brother (: Hehehe!
Well, i miss euu so badly! Btw, school is goin to reopen real soon! And am so gonna see you real soon (: Hehehe!
And i'm likk so happy to see you? Hahaha! Btw, we have been loving each other more and more kann? Padahal, we are nt even together? Hahaha! Cool luhh tu! Hahaha! Okok wadever..
Well, PSK is just next week ahead. And am so scared for my seni and my fight.. Haiyyo! Then euu knw wad? I'm undian ke 4 for tunggal.. Sikit punya seram -.- And, am so gonna fight budak STA -.- Scary tk? Scary kanns??
Its likk wad a schock! Of my my! And i haven't finish my PE assignments ans English journal :P Hehehe! I lazy do luhh seyyh. And and! I'm kind likk dun knw how to do the PE assignments?? WTH luhh seyyh! And heyy! Seriously, this is bull shit! The venue for PSK is changed ): And its likk kind of far frm tpy.. The venue will be at JURONG EAST somemore! Haiyyo! BUSTARD seyyh! Issshhhkk! Sape ajar seyyh venue peyyh jauh!? Hmmnnnsss!
Seriously shit seyyh! Its likk near Sufyan Amirul Syafiq house? Happy fr him luhh! Isshk! Sepak kanns baru tahu! Grrr! OKok stop it with the PSK thingy ayye..
Lets change topic again baby (:
Well, MY life is kind of fun lately. Cause i've been thinking of Firdaus so much?? Hahaha! LOLs! And heyy! Euu people knw what? HE CARES BOUT ME! Hahaha! LOL? LAME! Hahaha! I knw i very lame. No nid tell me (: Peace yaw! And heyy! Its been so scary this few days cause first its so cold. Then suddenly so hot then raining heavily -.- I knw why. And what are the reasonss..
COLD- Its bcos no one is there to hug you.
HOT- Its bcos i'm hot and i'm in that room (: Hahaha!
RAIN- Its bcos euu dun wanna play and sing in the rain (:
Hahaha! Lousy reasons -.- Hahaha!
Well, according to Firdaus, when we school reopens, we, the one who went to sabah, will perform a piring dance steps fr sch to see? So MEREPEK! Haissh! And euu knw what? First day of school also got spot check?? MATI TKNK! Grrr! Benci seyyh! Bukak skola jekk camni. Tapi tkpe.. Aslkan dpat jumpa dia sdah. Hahaha! LOL! Well, i am so much cooler now.. Cause just nw, in the mids afternoon, i sparng my wrist (have i ever told euu ppl tht before) Then, its a lil better cos i tried to move my wrist around (: Yay! And heyy presto! My wrist is goin to be okayy in no time (: Well, i'll end it here okayy? I wanna check my fb (: hehhe! Bye! Love ya guys TRUCKLOADS!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Title of th lifestory: Back from pelegong (:
Hello Hello (:
Sorry for not posting for a long time (: Was busy at pelegong (: Hahaha! The trip there was super duper fun (: Hahaha! LOL! Okayy okayy whatever. First, before i went to pelegong, went fishing with family and Herwan's family at Labrador the day before i went pelegong. Which is on 27 May. So yeahh. Thenn, didn't sleep plakk tu. Only sleep for 1 hour at home (: Cause by the time i reach home, it was likk at 5am in the morning. So yeah. And then, wake up at 6am. The the bathing and stuffs and mum send me to school wif dad through car (: Then, ston ston gy sekolah... After that, teacher gave me the white card and mum fill it up for me (: So yeahh. Then, last farewell to mum and dad. Hug and kisses were included. Then, teacher call up my name and i board the bus (: Then, inside the bus tried to sleep but nahh, i can't. Inside the bus, message orang-orang yang aku akan rindu sangat sangat. Then all haven't wake up and didn't reply me back -.- Evil eyyh dorang semua! Grrrrrrr! Then after that, after s'pore custom, bring down all my bags for spot check. Then, board another bus at malaysia. So yeahh. Then, come the tour guide inside the bus. That was after the malaysia custom luhh. So yeahh. Then, while she was telling us jokes and stuffs, she bring us go for our breakfast. After our breakfast, we went on with the journey and stuffs likk that. The tour guide; Auntie Neng, was telling us some jokes but we kind of like didn't reply to her as we were busy sleeping (: And from there, i sleep (: And it was likk at 11 am then i sleep (: Cause from there, then i can sleep (: After a long journey, we reach kampung Pelegong (: Kita disambut oleh penduduk kampung yand bermain caklempong (: The sound is nice. Its likk macam nak kahwin. Faham? So yeah. Then, the head of the kampung, give us a short talk and we were regroup back and stuffs like that. So yeahh. Then there were some refreshments for us to eat. After eating, we were send home by our mak angat (: So yeahh. We walk home as it is near to the balai raya where we always meet our cikgu before going there. So yeahh. Then, our mak, mak khozi, show us our room and we put our stuffs there and rest for awhile then went out to talk to our family. So yeahh. After knowing them we have a lil fun over there (: So yeah. Then the abang abang went home. And the abang abang was super duper fun, cute and i like them. SO yeahh. Sleep a lil bit late since we were new to that place.. Not much things to talk about for the first day. Second day, night time, had our malam budaya and stuffs. Was super tired cause we go to the air terjun (: And i loike (: Hahaha! And i came to like our abang abang and yeahh. Hahaha! They were cool okayy. I loike you know.. Don' wanna elaborate that much. And have some fight over Iffa for breaking my spects.. Thanks. I cried alot. Cause thats my favourite sunglasses. Bloody cockroach! Grrrrr! Okok wadever. Souveniers were given to parents and siblings and they like it so much (: Hahaha! Tgk luhh sapo yang belikan! Hahaha! I follow how the negori sembilan talk. Fun huh? Hahaha! OKok, pics and stuffs have been uploaded to my facebook (: Feel free to check it out (: Bye (:
Labels: That should be me (: